
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2015

Death - Life Reminders

Today Alex Steddom, I guy I met in a mission trip to DR from MN, died.He was my kinda like my age. And God just came to pick him up to his presence. Everything I knew eight years ago was that he was always looking to praise God with his life and even if he was young, he would take time and go to a poor country like this one to share the gospel with the people. Throughout the years that passed, he became a servant full of passion and love for the people that didn't know Jesus. Now He is in the presence of our God Almighty, enjoying the pleasure of being wholly satisfied with the love of his Life.  I was meditating in that and I don't want to waste my life with things that are not really important, as like having money or status, or even a husband. I just want to live my life looking to glorify God and be totally satisfied in him. But I can't do this by myself, I need Jesus, I need you Jesus! Don't let me go far away from you! I love you and need you, because without you...

Models for Combating Discouragement

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.  (Psalm 73:26) Literally the verb is simply fail: “My flesh and my heart fail!” I am despondent! I am discouraged! But then immediately he fires a broadside against his despondency: “But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” The psalmist does not yield. He battles unbelief with counterattack. In essence, he says, “In myself I feel very weak and helpless and unable to cope. My body is shot and my heart is almost dead. But whatever the reason for this despondency, I will not yield. I will trust God and not myself. He is my strength and my portion.” The Bible is replete with instances of saints struggling with sunken spirits. Psalm 19:7 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.” This is a clear admission that the soul of the saint sometimes needs to be revived. And if it needs to be revived, in a sense it was “dead.” David says the same thing in P...

Forever- Kari Jobe
